When is the Right Time to Get Your Company’s Logo Repaired?

Many valuable brands all around the world have utilized logo redesigning and repairing services over time in order to keep their logo designs up to date. Brands like Yahoo, Coca Cola, KFC, Shell, Walmart, Pepsi, and Mercedes Benz have all changed their logos over time.

The main reason behind this is that as time passes, business logos can become old fashioned and may fail to conform to the latest standards. Therefore, to keep your brand timeless, brand logo repair is necessary.

Another reason for logo repairing or redesigning may be the changing image of a business or its expansion. Sometimes, when you first open your business and get your logo designed it may only represent what your business was dealing with back then. Chances are that as your business grows and flourishes, its focus or your vision for it changes as well. When this happens, know that the time has come for you to get your business logo repaired or redesigned.

Most companies only expand their areas of expertise and thus refrain from having an entirely new corporate logo designed. This is when logo repairing services come in handy. If you look at the new and old logos of most businesses, you will get to see many similarities. This is mainly because mostly, a business does not change their basic goal and only need a fresher look. They thus hire those who repair previous logos to give their own a better and more appropriate look according to their current market situation.

This also saves businesses from confusing their existing clientele. An entirely new business logo can be very risky; it can make your business fail as well if your customers cannot relate to it as well as they were able to relate with the previous logo.


So far we have established that a logo design is one of the most significant visibility tools that a business can have. It should always relate to the kind of business that you are doing. Remember, people remember symbols better than they remember names.


Ever been in a situation where you recognize a familiar face at a party and connect with them but cannot recall their name? This is because our brains are better at remembering symbols and pictures than words. If your best friend gets a facelift, you will still be able to recognize her, but if she gets a face implant, you might not connect to her as well as you used to before even though her name is the same.


The same is the case with business logos. Changing a business logo entirely can be perilous unless you are changing the entire direction of your business.


So you want to get your corporate logo repaired?


If you are thinking about getting your logo repaired, you should keep a few things in mind. Note down all the things that have changed about your business in the past few years. Also jot down all the differences that you see between the goals and areas of expertise of your business when you got your previous business logo designed and now.


This will let you analyze what you need to change about your logo. Not only this, but you may also add your future goals and plans into your new logo as well. This will help you in informing your customers about your future endeavors. Make sure that the logo design company that you are choosing to get your logo design repaired by has experience in the logo repairing business. Let them know exactly what you need changed about your logo and let them do their magic.


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My God you people are amazing! I'm going to have to get some help on this...I can't decide because they're all so great. I'll let you know.

Thanks so much Lilian!!! Wow!!!

JD - Greenergy2030 Certified Business

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