Traits of Great Logo

Trait # 1 - Brand Personality

Your logo needs to be in sync with your brand values and should be capable of connecting with your target audience.

Trait # 2 - Simplicity

Streamline your design. DON'T over-complicate things. if you want your logo easily recognizable, keep it simple -- a lightning-fast way for users to notice and remember your brand.

93% of the logo designs are relatively simple in form.

Trait # 3 - Memorable

Making a logo that's memorable may seem complex, but according to Angie Bowen of Fuel creativity, Its of target importance.

Trait # 4 - Timeless

Dont be too trendy, aim for longevity. trends come and go, but brand identity lasts forever!


Step # 5 - Evoke a position Emotion

Your logo needs to connect on an emotional level with the audience! It should talk to your customers withoutt actually speaking a word.



Get Your Custom Logo Designed For Under $50 - Click Here


My God you people are amazing! I'm going to have to get some help on this...I can't decide because they're all so great. I'll let you know.

Thanks so much Lilian!!! Wow!!!

JD - Greenergy2030 Certified Business

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  • Select A Package & Complete The Questionnaire
  • Logo Design Concepts Are Designed & Delivered For Your Review
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